Copper Sizes for Fruit Trees
Fungal diseases plague several types of fruit trees. Many of the products which are effective against these diseases are for professional use only. One group of products that’s easily accessible and effective against respiratory ailments is fixed copper spray. These products can save yourself a crop, and at times an whole tree, even if utilized properly.
Copper spray is effective against numerous diseases that attack fruit trees. Peach leaf curl impacts the flames, flowers, foliage and fruit of peaches and nectarines. If left untreated for several years, you may lose the tree. Fire blight primarily attacks pome fruit trees, like pears and apples, although it can affect other plants. Leaves and young twigs take on a scorched look, and also the disease travels down the stems if the affected regions are not pruned away. Brown rot causes the collapse of the flowers on many of fruit trees, along with a resulting loss of fruit. Bacterial canker is a bipolar disorder which leads to leaf and fruit spots.
Copper Sprays
The active ingredient in copper sprays will be listed on the label as metallic copper equivalent. Products with higher percentages of MCE are far more effective. Other components in the spray help the product stick to the sprayed surface and spread. The University of California Integrated Pest Management Program site warns that a few copper sprays don’t contain enough fixed copper to control leaf curl. The product that you choose to control this illness ought to contain 50 percent copper. Copper spray ought to be applied thoroughly. Spray the tree till the item drips from the stems and leaves. To treat fire blight, use a weaker solution every couple of days until the close of the blossom season.
When to Spray
Copper spray is generally applied during the dormant season. For diseases which affect the blossoms and young fruit, employ copper sprays every couple of days to every two weeks, depending on the disease as well as the fruit influenced. This may lead to as many as 17 applications within a season for a few fruit. The bundle label is your very best source of information about when and how often to spray. Heavy rains can rinse the item from the tree, so use it if you are not expecting rain.
Employing copper sprays over several seasons can cause a buildup of copper in the soil. The buildup eventually becomes toxic to soil organisms, including earthworms. It is also harmful to aquatic species when it moves into bodies of water. Skin exposure may cause itching and irritation, and some folks become sensitized and experience allergic reactions with continued usage. Wear protective clothing when using copper sprays prevent eye contact by wearing masks. Just like all garden chemicals, store copper sprays in their original container and out of the reach of children.