A Fast and Easy Way to Grease Clean Dirt and Rust Away Tools
Maintaining your tools clean, rust-free and well-oiled is the best way to prolong their own lives, particularly during long winter periods. Although it may feel daunting to face the possibility of cleaning all of your garden tools, a few simple tools like a wire brush, steel wool, rags, water and a small paint thinner will take care of just about all garden instrument buildup in a few minutes.
Wash Thoroughly
Washing with water that is plain is the most easy way to keep dirt and debris away garden resources. If you wash your tools every time you are done using them, removing all dirt particles, you may drastically decrease the odds of rust forming . Because eliminating muck will help. If you do not wash your resources frequently, you still need to begin each cleaning session with a thorough wash to loosen dirt and soil particles.
Brush Meticulously
If washing does not do the trick, a wire brush would be the ideal tool for fast and economically removing rust and other caked-on debris out of resources. Using the type of strong-bristled brush that you would use to clean a barbecue, ensuring the brush is free of dirt and grime, rub the entire metal surface of the instrument together with the bristles. Even if the metal brush does not completely remove the rust buildup, you should use the bristle brush to ensure that all caked-on sand and dirt is eliminated before using finer tools to eliminate rust.
Spot-Clean Carefully
Once you wash off all of the rust with your steel wool, even if you still see spots of sap or dirt in your gear, use a rag soaked in a small paint thinner to wash out the remaining stains. Then use steel wool to remove the last patches of rust in the surface of the tool blades. You can resort to a metal file if this does not work. When using a file, first clamp the tool in a vise so that a blade does not slip and hurt you as you are working.
Oil Diligently
Do not overlook that oiling is an essential portion of the cleaning procedure, since it keeps your resources powerful and resistant to rust and other debris building up. Use a light coat of WD-40 on instrument blades and other metal components, like shovels and trowels, particularly before you put them in storage over the winter. Motor oil also works to stop rust. Wooden handles also gain from oiling, although you should use natural oil like boiled linseed. If you prefer, you may paint wooden handles instead of oiling them to get long-lasting moisture protection.