The way to Grow Stella Cherry Trees
The “Stella” cherry tree (Prunus avium “Stella”) is a self-fertile deciduous cherry tree that thrives in full sun and moist but well-drained dirt. Excellent as a self-pollinator and a pollinator for other cherry trees, the “Stella” grows best in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8 as it does require 600 chill hours to make nicely. The “Stella” cherry tree attains about 20 feet in height and produces showy white flowers in the spring followed by sweet cherries that are ready for harvest in June.
Prune young cherry trees during winter dormancy to shape them to a open center or central leader shape. Old trees need pruned only to remove dead and weak limbs, maintain shape and thin for adequate air flow. Unlike other fruit trees, “Stella” cherry trees don’t need renewal pruning to remain fruiting.
Spray your tree wiht a copper spray every fall as the leaves are falling. Spray again in the spring once the tree’s first blooms appear with both a fungicide and mite controlling spray. Reapply the fungicide spray once a week for as long as the tree is in blossom.
Cover the cherry tree using nylon mesh or netting to prevent birds from invading your crops. “Stella” cherry trees are also commonly called bird cherry trees and with good reason. Birds will steal the majority of your cherry crop in case you don’t stop them.
Pick up fallen, rotted and diseased fruit from beneath the tree as frequently as necessary to keep the area clear.
Fertilize your tree in February or even March winter using a 5-20-10 fertilizer. Apply a second round of the fluid in late summer or early autumn to support next year’s growth. Fertilize the tree again in late October or November with a 0-10-10 fertilizer and an F.S.T. mineral mixture that contains iron, iron, manganese and zinc.
Water the tree deeply once a week when young and every 10 to 14 days at maturity. This watering schedule could be adjusted as required for rainfall and does not need to be followed during the tree’s winter dormancy. Winter watering is only needed during extended dry periods.